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Syria Virtual University Hacked – Data Leaked

A hacker that is known by the handle Gsec aka Grey Security has announced via twitter @gsec_ that he has hacked and leaked data to pastebin for Syria Virtual University www.svuonline.org.


our understanding this attack was not carried out for any particular cause but purely to show the world how weak security still remains against websites. Especially important sites like University’s. When these type of sites are attacked and data leaked, this does not only effect the University itself but also effects student whose data has been released to the public.

Pastebin message:

This database leak, isn't for any specific reason, nor an operation.
This was done, just to prove one simple point, there is no such thing as security.

But, simply because I'm a dick. Only email and usernames will be leaked, LOL.
So, enjoy the lulz and stay tuned.


[Date leak] http://pastebin.com/zrkiuk1Q

No doubt it will make us all question as parents why University websites are not equipped with better security against the sites to protect student data. Is it because hackers are becoming more and more sophisticated at what they do, or are websites becoming more and more relaxed when it comes to website security.

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